My mission is to promote Kangen Water, to share valuable information about the importance of alkaline water and how it can support hydration and overall wellness.
1. 老人院负责人 Head of nursing home 2. 幼儿园院长 Principal of kindergarten 3. 家庭主妇 Housewife
可以帮助有亚健康人士,如三高,尿酸人士改善体质,以达到健康水平。 It can help individuals with suboptimal health, such as those with hypertension, high blood sugar, or high uric acid levels, improve their physical condition and achieve a healthy level.
1 室内设计师 Interior Designer 2 定制厨房家私商 Kitchen Cabinet Dealer 3 保险中介 Insurance Agent 4 健康教练 Health Coach
电解还原水 Kangen Water (Ionizer Water)
曾经协助一位癌症病患通过喝电解还原水,回复健康体质。 I once had the opportunity to assist a cancer patient in regaining his health through consistent consumption of Kangen water, the patient experienced noticeable improvements in his overall well-being and physical condition.
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